Revised Music & Self Essay

“Workin” By Puff Daddy, hustling all your life to try to achieve a Set Goal Regardless of the Haters

     The song I choose to write about is by Puff Daddy, and it is called “Workin.” This is a catchy Hip-Hop song where Puff Daddy embodies what it means to work and become successful. This song relates to me because it inspires me to achieve the goals that I set for myself in life, motivates me to want to continue to work and to work like it’s going to be my last day to do so, and because not only does it motivate me and prepares me for work but it reminds me to find something that I love to do and be the best at it; it also demonstrates that when you start becoming successful people are going to start wanting things from you based on your success.
This song motivates me to want to work hard and continue to work hard no matter who’s in my way. With this in mind the song “Workin” would be considered a Hip-Hop song, it has a lot of factors that make it good. It has a really good beat and is fast paced which is ideal for its purpose which is to motivate the listener. In the beginning of the song Puff Daddy states, “How you get another chance tomorrow, I don’t hustle like that, I hustle like there’s not a/ second left, you know there’s tomorrow/ but I’m hustling like there’s only one more second left of this hustle.” This is one of my favorite parts of this song because it sums up the way I feel about how this songs relates to me. A lot of people take having a job or a career for granted, I don’t. With every opportunity I’ve gotten to help me achieve the goals of becoming a chef I cherish it like it’s my last. This song was made for people who love to work because they know that if they do this that their future can be brighter. To me it’s important to find something you love to do and do it better than anybody else. Every job I’ve had I’ve tried to be the best at it regardless of what it was.
Above all this song motivates me to work or hustle until I have all the things I want in life. One of the lines that is repeated throughout the song is “Don’t bother me, I’m workin” this line describes me because perfectly. When I’m working and trying to achieve a goal such as completing a dish in culinary, I’m focused on that one thing and nothing else. This song motivates me to want to be great because when you reach a level of success and you have money and all the things you want and need you can almost live life care free. I want the lavish things in life, the money, cars, and clothes and I also want to make sure that my parents don’t have to work for the rest of their lives. To achieve this I have to work and work hard every single day. Music plays a huge role in my life, it can make you feel sad, happy, and angry and hundreds of other emotions but this song specifically motivates me to want to do better in life. This song also describes my work ethic, when I’m working I have a different mindset, I work to better myself and when I make mistakes I can be hard on myself because I know what I’m capable of, this song has a way of fueling that feeling and taking me back to moment like that. Also it reminds me of something my dad use to always tell me, that you have to go get things you want in life nobody’s going to just hand you anything, it take hard work to get what you want.
When people start becoming successful a lot of people that were not there before try to come back into your life. As a matter of fact this song has opened my eyes and made me realize that when you start becoming successful in life people who don’t really talk to you or haven’t spoken to you in years want to all of sudden be a part of your life. I believe that the statement Puff Daddy makes stating “Don’t bother me I’m working” also means that don’t come to me when you need something because in doing better now. Personally when I first got a job and I was making pretty good money because of how long I stayed there a lot of people started to ask me for things because they knew that I was becoming successful and expected me to help them. Another thing I learned that this song describes about me is gaining haters as you become successful. People for some reason don’t like to see other people succeed in life, whether it be because you’re doing better than them or because they want to be in your place. This is an example of people being haters, a lot of people don’t want to see someone else being better than them or doing the things they wanted to do. The song “Workin” also describes this because people are going to say things about you and try to stop you from being successful but it’s up to you to either let it get to you or keep “Workin” and becoming successful.
In conclusion this song taught me to never let anybody stop me from being successful, and to always do what it takes to achieve my dreams. It also showed me that when you become successful people are going to try to tear you down, but it’s up to you to stay focused and follow tour dreams no matter what. If you find a job that you love and like to do then being successful will come with it. There’s always going to be haters and setbacks but as long as I find something that I love to do and to it to the best of my ability I’ll be successful. Always keep “Workin”