Introduction to Blog Post

The purpose of my blog post were to inform the reader on how I felt about each song that I wrote about and how the different visuals, words, and dance moves made me feel about the song. The intended audience were students, and or people who may like the music I wrote about. Questions that I asked myself when writing these blog post where how does the beat of the song make me feel? Does it make me want to dance? Are there bright color or dark colors? and Is there emotion in the artist face? I learned how to free write better when writing these blog post and to look at different visuals in music videos. The strengths of my blog post are that they are free writes and are what I feel. The weaknesses of the blog post are that they may have some grammar issues. These blog post post show my development as a writer because as time progressed I begin to pay more attention to detail and analyze more of the visuals in the video. Free writing became easier and more natural to me and this helped me when writing essays with the flow of my ideas.